Let the sexual violence survivors know that they matter with your donation to FSL's SAVE of Essex County! Every donation goes directly to improve services to survivors in our community.
Make a Tax-Deductible Donation on Giving Tuesday! Additionally, check out S.A.V.E.'s AMAZON WISH LIST for care packages provided to the survivors.
Did You Know?
Our Sexual Assault and Violence Education (S.A.V.E.) program is the only Essex County, New Jersey state-designated rape care center. The past year our trained hotline volunteers helped 487 people who were reporting abusive and violent encounters.
Follow up support included:
69 phone call support sessions were provided to victims of domestic and sexual violence
16 presentations on school and campus safety were delivered to local schools and colleges
1,399 counseling sessions were delivered to victims of sexual assault
Domestic and sexual violence happens everywhere. Many crimes go unreported out of fear or embarrassment. Help us reach and help people in our community.
140 Years - 14 Decades of Service
Family Service League’s history begins with The Children’s Home Association founded in 1881 and the Altruist Society established in 1887. These organizations, among the nation’s first social service organizations, offered child care, counseling educational programs, job training, and direct assistance to families in need.
PLEASE CONSIDER A DONATION OF $14 for 14 Decades of Service. If you can afford more - we appreciate it and will be able to serve more community members seeking mental health services and advocacy for victims of sexual assault.
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