ClothesLine Project at Caldwell University

Clothesline Project Caldwell University 2024

As part of Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month, Family Service League (FSL) and its SAVE initiative organized a Clothesline Project event at Caldwell University in Caldwell, NJ. in April 2024. The event was sponsored by Caldwell University’s Counseling Services, Student Advocacy and Prevention Awareness, Office of Student Engagement, and the Office of Campus Ministry. Attending the event were students and staff from the University and members from the surrounding the community. This was the 2nd year that FSL has led a Clothesline Project at Caldwell University.

The Clothesline Project is a visual display of violence statistics that often go ignored. Each shirt is made by a survivor of violence or by someone who has lost a loved one to violence. The color of each shirt represents a different type of violence. The purpose of the project is to increase awareness of the impact of violence and abuse, to honor a survivor’s strength to continue, and to provide another avenue for them to courageously break the silence that often surrounds their experience.


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