SAVE of Essex County
SAVE (Sexual Assault and Violence Education) is the state-designated Sexual Violence Program for Essex County.
Together is Better
SAVE is a part of Essex County's Sexual Assault Team, which consists of Forensic Nurse Examiners, Law Enforcement, and SAVE's Confidential Sexual Violence Advocates.
The team has two goals: To provide direct services to survivors of sexual violence and their families and to work to prevent sexual violence through education and advocacy.

In 2017, SAVE received the “Outstanding Non-profit” award by the North Essex Chamber of Commerce.
SAVE of Essex County provides direct services to survivors of sexual violence.
24/7 Toll-Free Confidential Hotline
SAVE of Essex County operates a confidential hotline staffed by trained Confidential Sexual Violence Advocates 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
Our hotline 1-877-733-2273 provides information, support, and referrals to survivors of sexual assault and their families, friends, and significant others. Our hotline is available in Spanish as well.

SAVE of Essex County provides counseling services to survivors of sexual violence and their significant others. Counseling will be provided at no charge to survivors of sexual violence and their significant others if the reason for seeking counseling pertains to sexual violence.
For more information or to schedule a session, please call us at 973-746-0800.

Forensic Examination, Law Enforcement, and Legal Accompaniments
SAVE of Essex County has a team of trained Confidential Sexual Violence Advocates who are available 24 hours a day to accompany survivors of sexual violence through forensic examination and legal procedures. Confidential Sexual Violence Advocates accompany survivors to hospitals*, police precincts, and courtrooms throughout Essex County. They provide survivors with support, information on their rights, and referrals for follow-up care.
Survivors also receive a care package of necessary items to replace what the police take as evidence and to help them restore their dignity after an assault has occurred.
*Newark Beth Israel, University Hospital, Clara Maas, St. Barnabas, St. Michael's, Mountainside all provide forensic exams

Prevention Education
The Center's team of educators provide prevention and outreach services throughout the county by visiting middle school, high schools, colleges, churches and synagogues, and community-based organizations to educate adolescents and adults about sexual violence risks and prevention.

If you or someone you know has been sexually assaulted:
You or they should:
Get to a safe place
Call the SAVE Hotline 1-877-733-2273
Seek medical attention
You or they should try not to:
Bathe, shower, or douche
Brush teeth or gargle
Change clothes
Eat, drink, or smoke
(This is to preserve evidence; however, if they have done any of the above, evidence may still be collected. Doing any of the above should not deter someone from seeking an examination or help.)